Little Owen turned 2 months on the 9th but his check up was 10 days later so here are his stats,
23.3 inchs
and his head is in the 76 percentile (it's full of brains)
He is a little bigger then i was at this stage and i looked way chunkier!
-Coos and blabs when we talk to him
-still sleeping from 10:30pm to about 6:00 am! we are blessed with a baby that likes to sleep!
-out grown most of his 0-3 month clothes
-LOVES his baths! he cries as soon as i pull the plug
-still very much HATES his car seat. if we go any where i usually carry him because i don't want to deal with his screaming.
-people still say sometimes he looks just like Josh and other days more of me! i think he's 50/50 which is perfect.
-he went on his first big trip to Vegas this month and did really well.
-his hair is still dark and most of the new hair is too. we are hoping it stays dark and his eyes get even bluer then they already are.
We love our sweet little man and so happy he is with us. I know i always say he is a hard baby, but he kinda was and i wouldn't change it for anything!
He's beautiful. 2 months and we get to meet him! You guys are coming aren't you??
heck yes we are coming!
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