oh!! We are so excited to be going home for the holiday! We leave on Wednesday and we just found out that Josh's boss wants to meet with him on Monday in Boise, so we get to stay an extra day!!! It was the best news I've heard in a while. Even though mom's house is a total wreck from the flood it should be interesting. Grant and Madelyn get to stay with us fri-sun cuz It's Jenny's Big Birthday and they're going out of town to celebrate. We are both just so excited to see everyone and Josh gets to go hunting like everyday, he's pretty stoked about that. I'm excited to spend some much needed time with my mom and sisters!! Yay for after thanksgiving shopping! I
know I won't see Jill this weekend, but if you are reading this I'm thinking of you and give that baby belly and good rub for me! And Thanksgiving just isn't the same this year especially with out Sister and Elder Lookhart. We love you guys.