Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Baby Cooper

Josh's friends Tyler and Melissa Gilmore, I had posted about them and the baby that they are caring has a lot of problems. They knew that there was a huge chance that he wasn't going to make it past delivery. They still trucked along the pregnancy with always a smile and positive attitudes. What great examples. At around 25 weeks she was measuring 35 weeks due to a lot of fluid around they baby and him not developing correctly. She was put on strict bed rest and the doctors hoped to get her to 30 weeks measuring 40 weeks. Well around 28 weeks Melissa went into labor with baby Cooper. Our friend Steve let us know last night that Cooper was delivered and passed away shortly after.

(from Melissa's facebook) Today Melissa went into labor and Cooper Thomas was born at 8:47am and weighed 2.7 lbs and 12 inches long. Shortly after his birth Cooper passed away in Tys arms and entered into Gods loving embrace. Melissa had a c-section and is doing very well, God had His hand on her the whole time. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers
It makes you think about how much it takes for the human body to make a healthy baby. He was a very loved baby and he had parents that were in great spirits, at least from what we saw. They know that he will be with Heavenly Father and that he had a greater plan for him and his parents. My heart is just aching for them.

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