Tuesday, March 10, 2009


When were were home last weekend Josh came down with the flu on Sunday and was pretty dang miserable. So that ment I had to drive all the way back to montana and we were trapped in the car for 8 long hours. Then Tuesday night, I got sick! So we were both really really sick for about a week. It was pretty pathetic. We both had no appetite and he lost a lot of weight and now looks weird, but he's good at putting it back on, and I lost probably 5. But I still have no energy or strength to pack which is bad because I need to pack most of this place before my life saver parents get in to load the truck and help clean. What a week we had and will have. It's all good thought because we are finally going to be back home!

1 comment:

kylie said...

that totally blows. nothing worse than throwing up. UGH. when are you guys headed down, can we hang out?