Friday, May 2, 2014

11 months

our Hailey bug is currently 11.5 months old! she seriousley makes me smile and laugh everyday. she is a great baby and we love her so so much. she is growing and exploring so much. she is quite the firecraker personalilty now and is a busy body but she can entertain herself really well. everything makes her happy and content. is fun to see her try to do big things like put and hat on or sunglasses. climb in chair and sit, play with a cell phone and know to put it to her hear and jabber!

 she sometimes fall asleep at church and this past sunday she zonked out for a sweet snuggle with josh
naps twice a day

sleeps 12 + hours

two teeth on bottom and currently cutting her two top teeth. that has been miserable for every one

loves food. will eat baby food but much prefers big people food

binky is a favorite thing still

crawls like a champ and can walk pretty good but she prefers to crawls which is annoying cause she is wearing the knees down on her pants!

started taking steps at a few weeks ago and now can walk pretty well if she wants to.

busy busy busy, she's on the go a lot

size 4 diapers

some 6-12 month clothes but moving into 12-18 slowly

3 bottles a day still

we love her and the happiness she brings into our home!

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