Saturday, January 18, 2014

christmas part 1 of 2

We were SO excited for christmas morning this year with owen being that much older and having Hailey bug. santa had a late night getting gifts ready but it was so worth it in the morning.
 owen woke up to santa leaving him an indoor tramp and a bunch of stocking goodies. he loves his tramp and i love him buring off energy.
 Sister got a collector cabage patch doll, movie, princess sippy and a book.
 he was equally excited for his super hero dress up. i had my mom make him a double sided cape. one batman and other superman.

 hailey opening her first doll and princess towel. she mostly just loved all the wrapping paper and brothers toys.
 all moring he "flew" from his tramp to the couch and back again.
 christmas morning 2013. the mask went everywhere for awhile.
 josh got me a jacket i was really wanting
 oh and i got him a jacket he was really wanting. great minds think a like!

We had a great christmas morning with our amazing little family. i loved to sit and watch my kids and hubby enjoy the gifts and make memories together. even with all the fun i still like to remind owen of the importance of the day and of christ and all he has done for us.

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