Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Brag post

So i gained A LOT... no no... an out of control amount of weight when i was pregnant! i'm not going to give numbers but it was out of control! yes a lot of it was retaining of fluids and swelling, but still i was large and in charge. So when the weight came off quickly in the beginning i was excited then around july of last year it just stopped. i stopped losing weight! i tried everything i could think of to drop the weight....nothing. then in November I decided i HAD to lose this weight because i was VERY unhappy with the way i looked. I thought let me get through the holidays and then i would join a weight loss program. first of January came and I was first in line to lose weight.

(day of delivery)
 i had 20 pounds to lose to be at my pre baby weight. and in 4-5 months, with a few falling off the track, I lost it all!! I am so happy that i am back to my comfort weight and not have to feel angry and unhappy with myself.
(may 2012, 4 more pounds to lose)
even though i have lost all my baby weight  my body definitely doesn't look the same. my big baby sure did stretch out my body every where. so yes i can fit into my old clothes again, but they sure do fit differently!


A Happy Family said...

Wow, way to go Hilary! That takes a lot of dedication! :)

jrwillden said...

I am so proud of you! You look gorgeous.