Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Boys Trip

every year for the past 10 YEARS josh and his best friends have gone to Seattle for their "boys trip". His friend Steve has a cousin that they stay with and he works high up with the mariners and so the boys get the greatest seats in the stadium all weekend long. Lucky boys!

(old picture from at least 5 years ago)

this years view from game # 2. they have fun relaxing and being boys with no wife around to nag them. they do drive every year and it's and 8 hour drive with all 7-8 boys in a mini van.

josh bought Owen his first mariners t-shirt. it's pretty darn cute on him.

i stayed with my mom for the 4 days he was gone because with a high maintenance baby like owen i need all the help i can get. We missed Josh and was extremely happy when he got home!

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