our annual august jakobson family camping trip took place at stanley lake this summer.
our poor car was PACKED full. luckily it's only a 3 hour drive north.
it was the first camping trip in a few years that all jakobson kids with their kids were able to be there. even Brent and elena got to be there. it was a ton of fun being around family.
scavenger hunt
the view just down from our tent. it was gorgeous!
red fish lake was just a drive up the road and we went there one day to boat, but it ended being so windy we went back to stanley lake and enjoyed our beach area
i love how clean the water is up there.
she was ticked we put her in the freezing cold water
the boys dug a huge hole in the sand and some how got really really dirty from it. William's face is the best!
this little girl slept horrible all nights and one morning she got up soooo early that i put her in the car and drove to get her to sleep.
when we returned from our drive some of us kids and little kids went on a early morning, freezing, boating. it was soooo much fun!
red fish lake
a lot of four wheeling adventures were done.