i went in for my appt on tues and my Dr. noticed absolutly no change in anything so she asked what we wanted to do. I said get his baby out and she said ok when?! so we set the date for the following morning to be induced. My Dr. said it probably would've been another 2 wks before i went into labor on my own!
morning of delivery, 40 weeks and 4 days pregnant. 10 months of long waiting for this little man

that was my baby vase that my mom received when i was born. she passed it onto me.

he was a big boy at 8lbs 2 oz and 21 inches long.

reuniting after he got all cleaned. i had so much love for him when i first saw him, but in shock that this is my baby!

proud proud daddy. Josh is so excited to finally have owen here and i catch him just staring at baby boy with such joy!

Owen joshua Willden

i had a great delivery. i progressed extremely fast for being induced and he came out easily. he eats great, but does have juandice and has to be under the glow light.
We are completely in love with Owen and couldn't have asked for a more perfect baby.