Saturday, June 28, 2008
Happy Birthday Dub
I'm a little late on this blog but HAPPY BIRTHDAY TYSON. He's b-day was on the 23rd. Well on his birthday him and Ash had bought one of those above ground pools. ya so that night the boys leveled out the ground and set it up. it's pretty nice, I'm excited to use it. He turned the big 2-7!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008
A little play and a little pain
Poor Joshy got his wisdom teeth taken out on Friday. He was mighty nervous, but afterwards he was feelin pretty dang good!! He was out of it and very talkative. He only had one really bad tooth and the other two were pretty easy ones to take out. I wasn't too concerned about him, but poor guy got pretty swollen and bleeds still. But no worries he has some good drugs at home to take care of it all. :) He then went boating on Saturday, but he definitely didn't do any physical activity just went along for the ride and he had a pretty good time, it beats sleeping all day. And we got some much needed sun :)
Monday, June 16, 2008
Another College Grad
Miss Dana graduated from TVCC I'm thinking with something Biology. But we were excited to go and cheer her on. Good news she got accepted to ISU boise program for her EMT. She's excited and hopefully she hooks it up with a way awesome guy. Ya girl
Me, Dana, Ashley and Dana's bff Michelle
It runs in the family :)
Saturday, June 7, 2008
More and more weddings
On Thursday another good friend of mine got married, Kylie Fly. She had such a cute dress with poka dots on it. Then on Saturday our friends got married but I don't have a picture of them, Josh couldn't make it to that wedding due to a softball tournament. So far Josh and I have been married 4 weeks and been invited to 5 weddings! hopefully we are done for a while and can have our Saturdays back.
Mrs. Kylie Turley!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Top Chef

So Josh and I have almost been married 4 weeks now and I have yet to cook ANYTHING! We just went grocery shopping a couple days ago so we had no food for me to even cook with. I'm very excited to cook meals for my little family. Even though those of you who know me might doubt my cooking abilities......I think I'll be an excellent cook, even if all I cook is brownies! :)
Monday, June 2, 2008
On Satuday Tyson W. graduated with his business managment. He worked very hard and I bet he's excited to not have any more papers or homework to do on his weekends. Congrats Tyson!!!
I missed the ceremony due to Jeff and Tricia's wedding but Josh went. He didn't have a camera so I had to find this cute cartoon instead.

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