Monday, February 13, 2012

11 months

owen's 10th month of life flew by and he is now a little over 11 months! he is going from a baby to really started to change into an older kid. he walks like a pro, talks or should i say yells all the time, he is busy busy busy and such a joy to be around. i really am enjoying my sweet boy now. he always makes me laugh and smile. he is very entertaining not only for us but for people around us. he isn't a real shy kid, he likes to play with others.

still eats great

sleeps great

growing like a weed

he basically loves to do anything now.

he is such a joy in our life

and i can't believe next time i post about him it will be his FIRST birthday!

1 comment:

G and G said...

Before you know it... Owen will be one and then before you turn around there will be another on the way. Life is just a whirlwind.