Thursday, July 14, 2011

4 months

Owen turned 4 months old on July 9th! holy cow....i can't believe how fast he is growing. i've already blogged that he is a rolling machine now, he sleeps great and loves to eat. i'm weaning him and he really doesn't care as long as he gets his food!

this is him right before his shots at the Dr.'s office

Weight: 16.5 lbs 75%

Height: 25 1/4 inc 50%

head: 43 cm 89%

we have a big healthy boy with a perfectly big head.

still loves his baths

he sleeps ALL over his crib now that he can roll

loves the jumpy jump

loves being outside

his new hair growing in his coming in Dark, but we'll see

his eyes keep getting bluer

he's started to look more like me but with Josh's coloring

celebrated his first 4th of July

loves to swim at our pool

is still has a good set of lungs and not afraid to use them

still drools A LOT!

loves to talk and babble

not to mention blowing bubbles

We love our Owy and so lucky to have him as our son!

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