Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Special Spirit

Josh's good friend from college and his adorable wife found out after 5 years of marriage that they were expecting a little baby. We are all so very excited for them and found out monday that it's a boy! They have named him Cooper. At the same ultrasound they found out not so good news about Cooper...

( this is from Melissa's facebook page)
Good Morning, here is whats going on. Our son, who we have named Cooper has a condition called Arthrogryposis, it is a rare congenital disorder that is characterized by multiple joint contractures and can include muscle weakness and fibrosis. basically Coopers little arms and legs are not forming correctly. He also has severe scoliosis. Also his chest cavity is very small and his lungs are not developing...
They worry that if he makes it to birth he will not be able to breath on his own. Cooper is now fighting for his life and we are going to have big decisions in the days and months ahead. I can not express to you the pain we are feeling right now, but we also feel a peace knowing we gave this baby to God in the beginning and will continue to give Cooper to Him daily. Thank you for all the prayers and support.

I don't know what to say to them to make the situation better, but we are deeply sad for them , but we know that they gave that baby a body and he will do his work here on this earth and return to our heavenly father when his time come.

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